Flat Feet: Definition And Proper Treatment

Flat Feet: Definition And Proper Treatment

Were you aware that about 20% of the planet’s population is suffering from a condition known as flat feet (or fallen arches)? Normally, the inside of a person’s foot is lifted over the ground. A person with fallen arches will have his or her food or both feet flat on the ground. Over-pronation may be a result of flat feet and you may witness the overall effects of over-pronation by looking inside your shoes from the back. The inner part of heels will demonstrate greater wear than its outer part.

Flat feet condition may occur at just about any age – in most cases, it is a result of obesity or lack of physical activities. Furthermore, if the foot is constantly traumatized due to running or even walking on hard surfaces, it may easily damage the PTT (posterior tibial tendon). This tendon’s main function is keeping the arch in the proper position. There are other conditions, which could weaken the tendon as well, including arthritis, fractures or even pregnancy.

Although most people with fallen arches condition are not suffering from any kind of painful sensations, the issue may lead to various musculoskeletal problems. Following conditions and traumas may be a result of flat feet: knee pain, low back pain, shin pain, Achilles tendonitis, calluses and corns. Some children may have a certain condition that is known as flexible flat feet. The issue is not a dire one and they will develop a normal arch by adulthood.

If you are not suffering from any kind of pain or discomfort because of your flat feet condition, there may be no reason to worry. However, even the slightest pain may be an indication of a bigger problem. Hence, it is important to deal with the problem effectively. First of all, you will need to acquire special orthotics for the shoe support, but one must also never forget about physical exercises. After all, if your feet are going to be constantly supported by orthotics, muscles may atrophy and you will have even bigger problems to deal with.

If you or your loved ones are suffering due to fallen arches condition, it would be a good idea to get in touch with a qualified Los Angeles chiropractor who will be able to educate you in order to avoid any subsequent consequences.

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